QCAA 2025 Economics syllabus

Implementation Year 11 in 2025

2025 Syllabus was released in January 2024. Implementation is Year 11 in 2025.       2025 syllabus 2025 syllabus

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QETA Commentary:

The first thing you will note is a change to the template. This has been explained at QCAA webinars as an improvement by reducing the number of words and reducing duplication and complexity in all syllabus templates. If you are concerned or unsure about how the Economics syllabus looks, check out any other syllabus in HASS to see how all syllabuses have changed. Look for reduced and clearer specifications and changes in how the word counts are expressed in the assessments.

There are now only 4 syllabus objectives. "Selecting" has been moved into other objectives.

Subject matter has been rearranged:

  • Unit 1 is the same subject matter is the same order
  • Unit 2 is the same but more items in Topic 1 less subject matter is required to be taught, and some subject matter is now just an example of what might be taught. Topic 2 has also had more flexibility added and is reduced. Remember Topic 2 has breadth instead of depth in the case options, which is why schools must choose to study two of the three options.
  • Unit 3 is the same subject matter but it is rearranged. Topic 1 focuses now on exchange rates, international trade patterns and theories and the balance of payments. Topic 2 now focuses on globalisation, barriers to trade and trade agreements. This means you will be changing what you assess in IA1 and IA2.
  • Unit 4 has clarity added to the subject matter to reflect the federal budget focus on cyclical and structural deficit issues. Otherwise the subject matter is basically the same but rearranged. Topic 1 is the foundational knowledge for the Unit, with only comprehension items. Topic 2 focuses on past fiscal policy. Topic 3 focuses on future fiscal policy, and monetary and microeconomic/aggregate supply policies, which reflects the fact that the external assessment is written 2 years ahead. These rearrangements mean the IA3 will now enable a wider range of choice for the extended response to stimulus and students will have a deeper knowledge of recent fiscal policy. EA will know focus on Topic 1 and 3.

The assessment techniques are the same. The Instrument Specific Marking Guides have been amended to reflect the change in syllabus objectives and the change in subject matter organisation. Points to note are the absence of word counts in examinations, and greater specifications on the number of economic criteria to be used in assessment.

  • IA1 Examination combination response has one criterion.
  • IA2 Investigation research report has 2 or 3 or 2-3 criteria.
  • IA3 Examination extended response to stimulus has 2 criteria.

Next, there is no glossary attached. In its place, there is a new section called "Additional subject-specific information". This has information about Economic criteria, Use of data in Economics, Research report and Analytical essay etc. 

If you have questions about the revision, please contact the Senior Curriculum Unit: scu@qcaa.qld.edu.au.
If you have questions about the 2025 syllabus, please contact Economics@qcaa.qld.edu.au.

Version 1.2

Members may be seeking a summary of changes from the recently released Version 1.2:

  • Evaluation Criteria - second bullet point expanded - synthesis of economic ideas and perspectives derived from the analysis to support the decision (impacts IA1, IA2 and IA3)     
  • Analysis Criteria in IA3 only - third bullet point expanded to read - selection and use of relevant seen and unseen data and information to support the analysis 

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