Message from Christine Dowd - QETA President

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Practice Questions

Unit 3
1. Draw a price mechanism model showing the effects of a local government imposing tariffs on the market for leather products. 
2. Explain one positive and negative impact the imposition of import tariffs may have on a domestic economy.

Pick-5 | OEC Game

Here's one that'll be a great lesson-starter for those looking at international economics and globalisation. Pick-5 is daily game challenging players to pick the 5 countries that export the most.... you get the idea. Like many games these days it changes every day so there's always something fresh for each lesson. I just correctly guessed the #1 exporter of Ground Nut Oil, 2 more in the Top 10, but wiffed on the rest. Fun times. 

Economic Mobility in Australia | Productivity Commission

APC is another website experienced teachers will have boomarked. Their research is often invaluable in providiing stimulus for exams or background deep-dives for students working on research reports. For those dipping into income inequality, this one explores economic mobility – how inequality changes over time – by looking at whose incomes are increasing, and whose are not. It examines income changes over a person’s lifetime, and how incomes change from one generation to the next. It also explores the characteristics of people experiencing poverty.

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