Become a Member in 2025

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Membership Information

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Economic Teacher Pack

Saul Eslake and Queensland Economic Teachers Association offered a new product in 2024 for Economic schools in Australia. The Economic Teacher Pack (ETP) was a quarterly chart pack with economic commentary.

The ETP includes 18 pages of data of economic indicators, monetary and fiscal policy movements and an economic spotlight on current events. The data is for education purposes in terms of copyright: the ETP can be used for participating schools both for class activities and assessment purposes.

QETA is offering the chart pack for purchase for half price at $145. This is the same pack as 2024. This will be worth every penny once you see how easy it will be to prepare your internal assessment!

Economics Teacher Pack

Privacy Statement

I consent to the collection, storage, use and disclosure of my personal information in accordance with the Queensland Economics Teachers' Association privacy policy which contains information about how I may access and seek correction of my personal information, how I can complain about a breach of my privacy, and how the complaint will be dealt with.


$0.00 AUD

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Credit Card Holder
Credit Card Number
Credit Card ExpiryExpiry date - Month / Year
CVV CodeThe code on the back of your card

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